Posts Tagged: Désir

Le soir, les ombres s’allongent.

Joyeux anniversaire à Antonine Maillet née le 10 mai 1929

C’est bientôt le 95ième anniversaire d’Antonine Maillet.
Ecoutez son talent de conteuse, son beau parlé d’Acadie, et le récit du retour de Pélagie après des années d’exil.

« L’exil, c’est un dur moment à passer pour l’Histoire… Hormis qu’elle en sorte. »


En chemin…

The longing for something eternal

From a conversation between Ulrik Alver Solli and Erik Varden O.C.S.O

– Do we sufficiently recognise the need for spiritual realities in today’s society?
–I don’t believe so. And the older I get, the more it is my rational conviction that we don’t. The human being carries something like a seed of eternity. This can be s source of frustration, even pain, in people – this fact of carrying, albeit unconsciously, the longing for something eternal.
– How can this be remedied?
– Primarily, I’d say, by recognising that I have in me something that will not be satisfied by anything immediate, that spurs me on to extend my existence in such a way that it will reach the dimensions of my longing. It is about recognising that I carry a thirst for boundlessness that will not be slaked by a one-click purchase from Amazon.


Is it real ?

Silence yearns to hear herself
Some long lost memory rings a bell
Called home

From a song by Karin Bergquist & Linford Detweiler

La coupe immense

oh ! que je viderais, ce soir , avec amour, la coupe immense et bleue où le firmament rôde !

Paul Fort

Be the Church you want

St Stephen's, Gloucester Road, London, November 2019

Walking in to a Church was so easy

