Posts Tagged: Voyage

Northern lights


Joyeux anniversaire à Antonine Maillet née le 10 mai 1929

C’est bientôt le 95ième anniversaire d’Antonine Maillet.
Ecoutez son talent de conteuse, son beau parlé d’Acadie, et le récit du retour de Pélagie après des années d’exil.

« L’exil, c’est un dur moment à passer pour l’Histoire… Hormis qu’elle en sorte. »


En chemin…


Préparatifs… jamais sans Robert


Salt Greenland / Guérande

The salt from Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) is coloured with berries and herbs
The salt from Guerande is mixed with seaweed
Brittany is home to me and Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) is home to our friends Terto, Paninnguaq, Saamik, Abia, and their family. They sent it as a present made with berries and herbs collected far from inhabited regions. May it remind us how many ways there are to be the salt of the Earth… and to trust that we all find a recipe very much our own.

To Saamik, who left but not without reinforcing the ties of friendship. Rest in our Love

Before the dawn