Posts Tagged: Women

The mangroves

The mangroves

As I said before, I am living now
in a warm place, surrounded by
mangroves. Mostly I walk beside
them, they discourage entrance.
The black oaks and the pines
of my northern home are in my heart,
even as I hear them whisper, «Listen,
we are trees too.» Okay, I’m trying. They
certainly put on an endless performance
of leaves. Admiring is easy, but affinity,
that does take some time. So many
and so leggy and all of them rising as if
attempting to escape this world which, don’t
they know it, can’t be done. «Are you
trying to fly or what?» I ask and they
answer back, « We are what we are, you
are what you are, love us if you can.»

Mary Oliver

Calendar 2025, proof number 3.

A painting by Julia Ball for the month of November.

Melin Tregwynt, a very special place

Inside the box

Joyeux anniversaire à Antonine Maillet née le 10 mai 1929

C’est bientôt le 95ième anniversaire d’Antonine Maillet.
Ecoutez son talent de conteuse, son beau parlé d’Acadie, et le récit du retour de Pélagie après des années d’exil.

« L’exil, c’est un dur moment à passer pour l’Histoire… Hormis qu’elle en sorte. »


Toward Easter

Elspethopen 2023


Julia Ball, the painter, is 90 today