Posts Tagged: Books

Don’t look for, just look


Comment aimer un enfant - Janucz Korczak.

Sometimes the title of a book is what interests us, we tell ourselves we will read the book, we start...
not always at the beginning but we drop it.
We keep the book in a good place for months, for years and we feel a little guilty because the book has not been read.

Maybe it need not be read: the title is enough to set our thinking, to express our desire and somewhere in ourselves we do the rest.



Les chatons de saule: premières fleurs du printemps

pussy willow sgsm

From Child Library Readers, Book Two of the Life Reading Service published by Scott, Foresman and Co. Photo Margot Krebs Neale


Picasso at the Wren library


The Key


Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Letters to a young poet (1934) Letter 4, 16 July 1903

Pour réussir Phileas Fogg ne doit pas perdre une minute

Pour réussir Phileas Fogg ne doit pas perdre une minute.

Le tour du Monde en 80 jours JULES VERNE


Rainy day in Ely

Antonine Maillet et le retour des réfugiés / 1ere et 2 eme parties

Le retour de réfugiés que ce soit en 1755 en Acadie où au XXe siècle est douloureux et merveilleux. Il est le rêve de tous ceux qui ont dû quitter leurs racines, leurs maisons, leur terre.
Antonine Maillet, qui a non seulement hérité de l'amour d'une terre mais de l'amour d'une langue et du talent de conteur/conteuse, nous donne par la seule force des mots toutes les souffrances, tous les espoirs toutes les joies d'un peuple qui rentre au pays.

Today and Memories
