Posts Tagged: Artists

Elspeth Owen Open Studio July 2019

Billet doux

Farandole #cambridgeimprints

Notre-Dame de Rouen – Cathédrale de Lumière


Week-end de Pentecôte aux JARTdins de Montagny


Etape 1, s’affirmer  🙂

Graffiti, Oslo, 2018


David Osbaldeston, Two Way Mirror (after Dan Graham) 2013

In your kitchen ?

The image for January in my 2019 calendar is from Elspeth Owen’s Pavilion in Grantchester

Celestial influence

…Something is shaped into what is; but its usefulness comes from what is not.


I Am Pleased to Tell You – Mary Oliver

Mr. Death, I am pleased to tell you, there
are rifts in your long black coat. Today
Rumi (obit. 1273) came visiting, and not for
the first time. True he didn’t speak with
his tongue but from memory, and whether
he was short or tall I still don’t know.
But he was as real at the tree I was
under. Just because something’s physical
doesn’t mean it’s the greatest. He
offered a poem or two, then sauntered on.
I sat awhile feeling content and feeling
contentment in the tree also. Isn’t
everything in the world shared? And one
of the poems contained a tree, so of
course the tree felt included. That’s
Rumi, who has no trouble slipping out of
your long coat, oh Mr. Death.

Mary Oliver

Can he tell I am there?