Posts Tagged: Air

Adrenature, Melgven

Envol et Enracinement, Encore et toujours

Envol et Enracinement

We need imagination and dreams to live a life of beauty and change and a sense of reality to avoid being lost in illusions. The right balance is for each of us to strike as we go along. I have chosen these photographs because I see each as an expression of that balance, how to belong to the air and to the earth.

Le père conçut le dédale
Avec son fils, il apprit à voler
Pour s'échapper
Mais Icare vola trop haut
et seul Dédale survécut

Prendre assez de hauteur
Pour échapper aux profondeurs
Qui seraient notre prison
Sans bruler la construction
Sans laquelle nous sommes piétons

Comme on inspire et on expire
Comme on respire
Je crois que j'ai dit ce que j'avais à dire

M Krebs Neale

The father thought the maze
With his son, he learnt to fly
To escape
But Icarus flew too high
And only Daedalus survived

Let us take enough height
To escape the depth
Which would be our prison
Without burning the construction
Without which we are pedestrians

As you breath in and you breath out

I hope I've said what I had to say

M. Krebs Neale